Thursday, June 21, 2012

Pass the Test!

He said "I'm interested in you. I'm divorced; I have signed the papers but she refuses to sign". Her first thought is "Whoa, what am I to do? Do I run or do I take it one step at a time"? Decisions, decisions. We are all faced with them everyday, all through out the day. My cousin, a minister recently wrote a post on facebook about "purpose". It really touched me and spoke to me. A couple of weeks ago my Pastor preached a sermon on "Don't get into big of a hurry". Little did I know that all this food I had been receiving then would be the very source to give me strength and courage that I needed later. There's a scripture that reads "For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven" (Ecclesiates 3:1 ESV) And boy have I found this to be true. There is also a scripture that says "No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it". (1 Corinthians 10:13)

I was hesitant to write about this subject because it is really touchy. But I said maybe, just maybe it will help someone out or myself by simply writing and letting it flow. Some of us have been in this situation as described above, some have not and may never. But just in case you do or are now I want to chat with you. We often look at situations in life from an emotional stand point more than spiritual. We have to take a step back and view this picture in full detail. We have to set our emotions aside. We have to say it's going to be me and God to work through this thing. We have to go to the Word. We have to study and meditate on it. I pulled out some old devotionals from a daily singles devotional I get through email. What I re-read gave me the answer clear as day that I already knew about a situation.

Ladies, we can not play with fire. One lady sent in the question can she date someone who is separated but the divorce is not final yet. Her question intrigued me because I can see the trap that satan has already set. Trap: (He is separated but legally still married). The devil will get inside our mind and our emotions will run haywire if we don't take them captive and give them to God. We will start to justify why we feel we can do what we want to do and believe it's okay. But that is not how it works when we are christians. As christians we are called to not be conformed to this world but to be transformed by the renewal of our minds. So just because the thought comes well I can get away with it if I do this, don't entertain it! Let it go! Run away! Because whatever is of God is good and holy; we won't have to second guess it. I've said it before and I say it again, God does not bless mess! Now he can turn our mess into a MESSAGE. But we need to choose to look for and take the escape route he gives. It's a choice and not easy but can be done. For his word says "I can do all things through him who gives me strength".

In this devotional one of the responders (a male) said this: (Catch it now) "Can you? Yes. Should you? No. It does not matter how far along the divorce proceedings are or how coincidental the reunion was, or how much you enjoy one another's company, the man is still LEGALLY married. Carrying on an dating relationship with a married man is emotional adultery." To me, carrying on a communicating relationship can lead to emotional adultery.

He also gave the example of Joseph from Genesis 39:6-7. His master's wife pursued him but Joseph RAN! He fled from her and God rewarded him by blessing him. But what's also awesome in that story about Joseph is not only did God bless him for being faithful, he also blessed his family. Read the story if you haven't.

My mom often tells me just pass the test. We have to honestly and deligently sit back and evaluate things from a spiritual perspective because if we are not careful sin will creep in and take control over us; this is when we find ourselves in things that have spiraled out control when we finally realize or eyes are finally open. And in order for us to pass the test, we must first realize that there is a test and what the test is. Then we have to be woman enough to make the right choices so that we can pass and get a A+ from God.

So as Mary Mary says "Sometimes in order to get what you never had you have to do something that you never did". So girls, let's stay prayed up for each other and ourselves that we will be able to pass the test and flee from the temptations we are faced with. Lord help us to be more patient and wait on you and your PERFECT timing so that when it's our time to receive we will be blessed and we will have your favor. Now, go on out there and get your blessing girl! :-)