Sunday, January 29, 2012


"It is a rare soul indeed who has been sought after for WHO she is, not because of what she can do, or what others can gain from her, but simply for herself"~ John Eldredge and Brent Curtis

I first read these beautiful words last year while reading A Confident Heart by Renee Swope for a Bible study. I just re-read themlast week while re- doing this study. The first time through this statement didn't really catch my attention BUT this time it did the very first time I read it. It was so beautiful to me because I realize that's who I want to be, that's how I want to feel and that's how I want to be treated. In fact I believe that's what we all desire deep within. We all want to be loved and accepted for who we are. We desire to be wanted. So much so that we set out looking for someone or something to make us or help us fill this longing inside. We desperately search. Some try a career or certain college degree. Some turn to drugs or alcohol. Some turn to the opposite sex. Some turn to the label of being someone to somebody. We feel like if we can just get in that position we will feel all that we are looking to feel. We will feel complete, yea that's it....complete. And so we search.

But I have come to learn that NOTHING or NO ONE can ever make us feel this wholeness and completeness BUT God and Him alone. Not only have I learned this but I believe this with all of me. I believe this because no matter if I get all these things I will still want something more later. Why? Because all these things that we are desiring are temporary. If we could get that reality to sink in we would be much more receptive to God's plan for our life.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying its wrong to have desires; in fact God made us to desire and he said we can have them IF we delight in Him. See psalm 37:4. So that's what I'm doing. I'm allowing myself to fall in love with Jesus and all He has for me. I know that He loves me unconditionally. He won't stop loving me or turn away from me because of my past. He will be right here with me walking with me through each trial and each victory. He will deliver me from my enemies. He will hold me when I want and need to be held. He will just be there for me. And knowing all this makes it worth while loving Him. People will walk away. People will hurt you. People will disappoint you. But God can't and will not fail you. So I pray and hope that we all search for God to complete us. NO ONE or NO THING can compare to Him and His love.

I hope you ladies have a blessed work week. I will spend Monday celebrating my Birthday Lord's will :)
Please feel free to post a comment.


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